Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pilgrims and Wampanoags

Second grade students have been reading several of Kate Waters' books about Plimoth Plantation and the first Thanksgiving celebration. This week we will be comparing Pilgrim life to Wampanoag life in the 1600s. We are learning the terms for houses, tools, and foods. I will post examples of student writing after we are done.
Children have been very surprised to learn that Native Americans today dress and speak like the rest of us. They were especially surprised to discover that members of our school community are Native Americans. Feathers and beads are dress-up clothes, just like fancy gowns and suits. Nobody wears feathers to school!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newspaper club writing

Newspaper club students have been writing their articles. Here are some that we worked on yesterday. This is the first time we have tried this and we may do more editing before sharing our work with the school. We will be including pictures in our final version.

Open House was September 20. It was a night when you could go to school and check out the school. Families met teachers. There was a book fair in the cafeteria. There were cookies in the library. Open House was a nice evening.

Kids at MHP like to play on the school playground. Families helped build our playground two years ago. Our playground has monkey bars, a big fish, slides and swings. Kids love recess.

On October 24 and 25 we had picture day. We got our pictures taken. When I got my picture taken, I had to kneel down. When I got my pictures taken with my class I got to sit. When I got my picture taken I felt happy. I like my school pictures.

I was a little nervous on the first day of school because I didn’t know Mrs. Pettit very well. I got to pick my own seat. My best friend sat next to me. After a few days I felt a little better. The first day of school was fun and I love school very much now. It is fun. Today is the 45th day of school. We did a lot of hard work today, but I got it all done on time.

Mrs. Feeney has taught at MHP for twelve years. Her husband is a high school gym teacher. They have two girls. Brandi is seven and Krista is four. The family likes to play games like golf and softball. Mrs. Feeney is a great teacher and I learn a lot!

Friday October 19 was the Halloween party at school! There were games, sand art and other cool things! Kids ran around in the P.E. room! At the end of the Halloween party Mrs. Misch gave everybody a goody bag. The Halloween party was fantastic.

On October 31 we had a Harvest Celebration. It was real fun. Each class read a story and made costumes. All of us walked around the gym two times. We sang songs. Moms and dads were there. Then we had a ½ day to get ready for Halloween.

We play Café Bingo at MHP. It is fun. We play it every year. People say a letter and if you have the letter, you say “Bingo”. If you say “Bingo”, you can get a prize like a book or a little toy to play with at home. At Bingo there are drinks and food.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Newspaper Club

Twelve second grade children at MHP have been learning to put their own newspaper together. We brainstormed ideas for stories, began to think of people to interview for those stories, and have been learning to use the digital comeras so that we can take pictures to go along with our stories.

Last week we went to the playground to take pictures for one story. Everyone got a chance to take some playground pictures. I'm putting some of the best on this page. The kids were really excited and took some great photos. Enjoy!!!